Hello, I'm Andrew. This website is a creative outlet for me to blog about things I care about in computer science, the outdoors, and photography.
I might put together a page about myself later, as this website is still a work in progress. In the mean time you can check out my other profiles: strava, github, linkedin, facebook, youtube, and email.
- Race Report: 2024 California International Marathon trip-reports
- Timberline Trail trip-reports
- Seattle to Portland cycling trip-reports
- Cactus to Clouds trip-reports travel
- The 2021-2022 Ski Season in Review skiing
- The Coast Ride cycling trip-reports
- Mt Hood via Hogsback trip-reports skiing
- Books that have influenced me the most blog
- Close to the Fire blog
- El Eclipse Solar travel
- Cerro El Plomo trip-reports travel
- Video Projects